Photo Gallery

May 23, 2024 AAUW Ahsland Branch awarded the first annual AAUW of Oregon, Ashland Branch, Ashland High School Scholarship.

Oregon State President, Catherine Lutes, presents the AAUW Ashland Branch, Ashland High School Scholarship to Lainie Carter.

Our Members Were Busy in April

At the WomanKind Art Exhibit Fundraiser, 11 women artists from Ashland and the Rogue Valley were featured at the Langford Gallery in Phoenix. Susan MacCracken Jain, Ashland AAUW Membership Chair, hosted a panel discussion with five of the artists, entitled “The Importance of Women in the Arts.” 

The panel, pictured (from left to right) are Susan MacCracken Jain, Isabelle Rosier Alzado, Beca Blake, Kat Mciver, and Alexis Mixter. Also on the panel, but not pictured was Zoriya Blalock

The “Power of Public Art” was a “Big Ideas” Presentation

On Tuesday, March 5, 2024, at the Ashland Library, Ken Engelund, Chair, Ashland Public Arts Advisory Committee, explained the mission of the committee: To enhance the cultural and aesthetic quality of life in Ashland by actively pursuing the placement of public art in public spaces, and serving to preserve and develop public access to the arts.

Ken Engelund

Left: Ellie Anderson & Ken Engelund,
Right: Susan MacCracken Jain with Engelund

Photos by Marilyn Hawkins

Our AAUW Booth at the OLLI Open House  2023



Left to right seated: Susan MacCracken Jain, Regina Ayars, Lisa Hughes, President of the Medford Branch of AAUW, and standing: Karen Spence.